Friday, October 22, 2010

The 1 and only super blog!!!!!!!

     My progress is doing great! It is awesome! I'm starting on Adding Buttons! It was a little hard on the way but now it is so easy! I'm glad I signed up!
     Hum.... I didn't have that many struggles on the way! But I did have a couple! Like starting up with flash. It was a little hard were I never used it before, but I got the hang of it ! Oh and the time I couldn't get the bunny to move!
     Now I had ALOT of success! I always try to get my assignments on time. Most of the time I do!! This is a great year!! So far anyway! All together we can make our games work!
                                             What I look forward to getting done!!
     I look forward to getting everything done! I can't wait to play the final game! It will be so fun! Hopefully everything goes right! Well Bye!!!!My wiki page

Friday, October 15, 2010

Blog 'bout Globaloria :P

     I think I can visual game pages real good. I also think that I can describe my game storyline great! It is all coming to gether now!
      I use visual storytelling by using the game. Everything helps the player learn about all the math. I mean everything. I played the animal rescue game. It influenced me by all the buttons and the story.  I liked it.
     All of the games help me in any way they could! Well I guess I'll goand sorry for a short blog. Bye!!This is the link to the Google Animal Rescue Page!!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Game Idea

     The new idea I develeped into after starti ng in the year was that we should make our game more interactive. For me though I feel like I can get it done!I learned that a new idea like this can only make your game better, not worse.
     I came to learn this by learning along with this program. If you pay attention you'll get better and better. So I learned about this along the way!
     The sources that helped me was eveything that we learned. I used it all to get my new idea! I think I did good on it to!
This is a link to Google images of Globaloria!     I use all of them then I make sure that I have a true statement! So I'm sure that my statements will be true and trustworthy! Well I think I'm done with this blog, so BYE !

Friday, October 1, 2010

Paper Prototyping

     Hi, it's me again on my blog! This week was actually pretty exciting! I loved  paper prototyping, it was great!
     This assignment has helped me alot about my game! It also made the view of the game clearer. I can actually see what the game will look like. It has made me look over the game ideas more often. I love the game now! Like I said in my other blogs, I think it is going to be a great year!
      Yes, this did made me modify my ideas! It made me modify my game ideas by looking back over them. I went back over and over and over again! I need this game to be perfect! ( In a non-selfish way!)
     I do really think that the Globaloria 7th Grade class of 2010 can actually make success!

Globaloria is a great class!